Friday, May 11, 2007

Old lady with hand-foot rash

66y, AA woman, h/o HTN, anemia and CRF, comes in c/o dark discoloration of her feet accompanied with pruritus for the past year. The rash started out as tiny vesicles, followed by progressive dark discoloration and thick, dry painful skin with fissures. For the past few months, she has had similar eruption involving her hands. She denies exposure to any new chemicals and there hasn’t been any change in her medications. She also denies any systemic symptoms. Her current meds include Procrit, Quinine, HCTZ, Lotrel and Zocor. On exam, her vitals signs are stable. Feet show brownish black confluent maculopapular rash, involving the medical aspect. The Rt. Foot also shows extensive scaling, fissures and lichenification.
What is the most likely diagnosis?

1. Dyshidrotic eczema with keratoderma
2. Psoriasis- ANSWER, confirmed by skin biopsy
3. Tinea pedis
4. Extensive Cutaneous Candidiasis
5. Contact dermatitis